Dr. Jessica Paul

Dr. Jessica Paul

Collaborative Pianist

she/her I received a B.M. in Piano Performance from Northwestern University, and the M.M. and D.M.A. in Vocal Coaching and Accompanying from University of Illinois. After nearly fifteen years contracting out with opera companies, performing with singers and chamber musicians, and running a private coaching studio, I came to Decorah—initially to work with the newly-formed Dorian Opera Theatre, but ultimately joining the faculty of the Luther College music department, where I enjoyed thirty years of teaching and performing.  Since retiring, I have discovered that Decorah is the birthplace of a number of my ancestors, something that may explain the deep affinity I have for the area. My late husband, Peter Liermann, first introduced me to the UCC community early in our relationship nearly three decades ago. There is no denying the sweet irony that my professional training and Peter’s sharing his deep commitment to the humanist foundation of this church have brought me to a position on Decorah UCC’s staff. I am grateful for the gracious appreciation I have received from the church’s leaders and congregation over these many years. Meanwhile, my goofy Great Pyrenees, Molly, and I will continue to enjoy our nature walks in this beautiful part of the state. In the quiet of my home, I have found a  renewed love for the piano, as well as reading, working with textiles, and trying to manage the ever-changing character of my gardens. I look forward to continuing collaboration with the Decorah UCC community.



Olivia Gustafson

Olivia Gustafson

Coordinator for Children's Ministry

she/her  Olivia organizes and leads Children’s Church on Sunday mornings. She is currently a junior at Luther College studying biology and secondary education.

Olivia plans to be a high school biology teacher after graduating college. She has always loved working with children and adolescents. Growing up, she wanted to be an elementary school teacher before learning about her passion for biology. Prior to attending Decorah UCC, she was a Sunday School helper at a church in Bloomington, Minnesota. She loves watching her “kiddos” as they grow and flourish! She enjoys hanging out with friends, spending time outdoors, and doing jigsaw puzzles in her free time.

Feel free to contact Olivia at gustol01@luther.edu

Cheryl Rude

Cheryl Rude



Cheryl makes sure our sanctuary and building are ready for worship and events during the week. You may not see her in the church, but you will hear her. She loves to listen to music as she works. Cheryl lives with and cares for her mother, and they enjoy the company of their two cats named Sweetie Pie and Amber. In her free time she enjoys watching TV, specifically comedy or dramas, and reading romance novels or stories about animals, which are a huge love in her life.

Kristin Propson

Kristin Propson

Office Administrator & Digital Communications

she/her  Kristin runs the Decorah UCC office. She’s an RN and writer by profession, a field geologist by training, and a farm wife by fortunate circumstance. Social justice and serving people are important to her. In her spare time, she likes hanging out with her creative and unique family, searching for fossils, and playing the accordion. Kristin lives in Decorah with her husband Scott, their two children, an exchange student, four cats, and many other creatures great and small.

Kristin’s email is office@decorahucc.org