The Vergers Club

UCC Volunteer Jobs

Updated February 24, 2020, 14:07 CST.

What is this?

“A verger is a person, usually a layperson, who assists in the ordering of religious services.

It could be argued that a verger’s main pride during a service lies in his or her inconspicuousness; vergers often play a very prominent role “behind the scenes” — helping to plan the logistical details of service and discreetly shepherding the clergy through it”. (wikipedia)



An acolyte is a young person who lights the altar candles just before service and puts them out at the end of service.

The schedule is on the sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Room, which is also available online: Sign-Up Sheet for Volunteer Positions on Sundays.

If the children are busy an adult volunteer will do it.

For more details see the Deacons Instructions for Volunteer Opportunities.

Activity bags for children

Offer activity bags to visitors with young children at service. Make sure the bag is stocked with a clipboard, papers and a pack of crayons or markers.

Altar candle maintenance

Altar flowers

Altar flowers are supplied by volunteers from the PETRA Circle women’s group.

A volunteer provides flowers each Sunday for a month.

Basement dehumidifier

Bell ringing

The church bell should be rung just before service begins, by an Usher or Greeter or other volunteer.

Note: This is the bell-rope on the left. The knotted rope on the right is for funerals. It is the same bell but has an external hammer for tolling.

Bingo at retirement homes

The PETRA Circle women’s group runs bingo at the area retirement homes three times a year.

Children’s church

Volunteers who want to help with the children on Sunday should contact the Children’s Minister.

The schedule is on the sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Room, which is also available online: Sign-Up Sheet for Volunteer Positions on Sundays.

A background check is required for new volunteers.

Christmas decorations

  • Lights, ornaments and other decorations are in the choir loft.
  • Two trees need to be fetched and installed.
  • They must be decorated.
  • Set out sanctuary window decorations with candles.
  • Hang a lighted wreath from the choir loft.
  • Hang lighted wreaths around the outdoor lanterns by the front door.
  • String electric wreaths along the outdoor railing on the west side. (Leave the east side railing bare for those who need to use it).

Christmas hymnals

Circuit Breakers

Coffee pots

All the coffee makers should be cleaned and descaled from time to time.

Color changes

The color design of the sanctuary changes according to the church calendar.

The common changes:

  • Advent: blue
  • Christmas: white
  • after Epiphany: green
  • Lent: purple
  • Easter: white
  • Pentecost: red
  • after Pentecost: green

to do: Altar candle rotation.

Communion bread

The Deacons are responsible for getting the communion bread made.

Extra bread can be stored in the freezer compartment of the Center refrigerator.


Whisk together:

  4 eggs
  ½ cup water
  2 Tbsp olive oil
  1 Tbsp + 1 tsp honey
  1 Tbsp molasses

In a separate bowl, combine:

  1½ cup Pamela's Gluten-Free Bread Flour, firmly packed
  ½ tsp salt
  ½ tsp baking soda

Beat wet and dry mixtures together.

Form 5-6 rounds on parchment paper.

Bake 12-15 minutes @ 350F.

De-icing front steps


to do: water heater

to do: detergent etc maintenance

Downstairs automatic door

This has to checked before service and any time people need to get into the building. It is an importantaccessibility feature for those who need to use the lift.

To enable the automatic door, insert the pins into the push-bar mechanism and make sure the black rocker switch above the door is “on”, which is all the way up.

Test the door with the push-plate.

If it is after dark, turn on the lights to the entry way.

To the lock the door: pull the pins.

Fellowship Room refrigerator

The small refrigerator needs to be cleaned out and defrosted from time to time.

Kitchen towels

If cleanup has produced a lot of wet towels, take them home to be laundered.

Little Library

Place free books in the Little Library stall outside the Center door.


Leads the call to worship and reads the scripture passage.

Offering collection

Four people pass the offering plates.

Outdoor potted plants

Parade float

Rock wall

From time to time small trees have to cut out of the rock wall behind the church.

Stop sign

After service when most everyone has gone, wheel the intersection stop sign over to the Methodist church and park in the corner by their front door.

Sound table

Turn on the power strips:

  • One on the sound table.
  • Another beside the piano bench (also for the piano lamp).

Turn up the volume for the three wired microphones and test that they are working:

  • The pastor’s pulpit.
  • The lectern opposite.
  • The stand mic by the piano.

Turn down the microphones until needed, except for the lectern microphone. It is always on.

Check the batteries of the two wireless microphones. A battery tester is in the drawer of the sound table. When the needle is barely in the green the batteries should be replaced.

Count the attendance during service and write it on the attendance sheet. The Church Administrator will provide a new sheet every year.

From time to time, check the batteries of the hearing-assist units.

Soup Sunday

Sunday coffee & snacks


Ushers and Greeters

  • Greeters open the door and welcome people.
  • Ushers hand out programs and help people find a seat if needed.
  • They provide activity bags to children and explain children’s story time up front and children’s church to new visitors.
  • They round up four people to be offering collectors.
  • Traditionally they ring the bell just before service begins.
  • For more details see the Deacons Instructions for Volunteer Opportunities.

Video recording

Watering the piano


The rocks in the flower beds in front of the church need extra weeding during the summer.

The sidewalks should be edged every few years.